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Comcast’s data cap and overage fees return tomorrow after 3-month break

Illustration of a water hose with Internet data trickling out of it, represented by 1s and 0s.

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Comcast is scheduled to reinstate its home-Internet data cap tomorrow, July 1, after more than three months in which customers were provided unlimited data to help them through the coronavirus pandemic.

AT&T, by contrast, announced today that it is "continuing to waive home-Internet data overage charges for AT&T Internet customers through September 30." There is a big caveat with AT&T, though: the company's announcement said the extended data-cap waiver does not apply to DSL and fixed wireless. Customers of AT&T fiber and the copper/fiber hybrid service formerly called U-verse will have unlimited data for another three months, but other AT&T home-broadband customers will face data caps and overage fees starting tomorrow.

Comcast and AT&T suspended their data caps and overage fees in mid-March, initially promising two months of unlimited data. The companies later extended that pledge to June 30, but Comcast hasn't granted any further extensions. We contacted Comcast yesterday but didn't receive answers to questions about its data cap, and Comcast's website still says the data-cap waiver only goes through June 30. While Comcast didn't answer the data-cap questions, a spokesperson pointed out that the cable company extended other pandemic offers for college students and people with low incomes beyond June 30, and it is keeping its Wi-Fi hotspots open to the public for free for the rest of 2020.

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