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Comcast aggressively moves to work-from-home during pandemic

A pedestrian walking by a Comcast retail store.

Enlarge / A Comcast Xfinity retail store on January 23, 2020 in San Mateo, California. (credit: Getty Images | Justin Sullivan)

Comcast says it is shifting large portions of its cable-division workforce out of offices and call centers in an effort to dramatically boost work-from-home numbers during the coronavirus pandemic.

"We've asked every employee that is able to work from home to do so, in every office across the country," Comcast said in a statement to Ars. "In addition, we have been transitioning thousands of customer service representatives across the country to work from home. We have teams working around the clock to help our call-center teams make this transition to work from home while continuing to support our customers."

It's not clear just how extensive Comcast's work-from-home shift is. Comcast said it's keeping most retail stores open and did not give us any information about contractors, for example. But it's clear that Comcast is doing more than Charter, which is facing employee complaints over its rigid rules against working at home. Comcast is the biggest cable company in the US and Charter is the second biggest.

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